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A permit to tear down the historic home of Johns Hopkins off Reidel Road has been proposed to the county!!!:
Mega Church Update:The property on Defense Hwy owned by Winners Chapel has been placed up for sale:
Your Help is Needed! 2016 marks the 10 year anniversary for Crofton First. Please help make it ten more by helping with our operating costs:
Please visit our Facebook page, where we are most active these days:
Chesapeake Terrace LandfillSee the latest article regarding the proposed Tolson Rubble Landfill in Odenton: CLICK HERE
Will the Tolson Rubble Landfill stir up heavy dust and possible asbestos in the area around Maryland Route 3? Please see this video and article with Crofton First's own Tim Berkoff: CLICK HERE
A Capital article was released regarding the Tolson Rubble Landfill issue. Click HERE to view it.
Crofton First has obtained the technical & environmental information on the Tolson & Associates Rubble Landfill. Click these links to view: Phase III Engineering Report Text
Appendix F Monitoring Plan 4-8-11
MDE previously DENIED the rubble dump expansion due to the numerous environmental violations. However, a "shell" organization was created after the denial, called "Tolson & Associates, LLC" to continue the application process again for expansion of the Cunningham Rubble landfill. You can read the denial letter from MDE HERE. Development OK'd at Crofton Walmart siteBerkshire, who also owns the Crofton Country Club, initially planned to build a Walmart on 20 acres at 1296 Route 3 South in Crofton. But as fights between Berkshire and nearby residents continued over the years, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. pulled out in 2007 ... >>To read the entire article, click HERE.<< Update from the May 2nd County Council meeting: There
was an amendment to the bill to return to the original zoning for the
proposed mining site on Evergreen.
All other cases Crofton First asked to be removed remain in the bill. The county council sat silent after Crofton First's testimony asking for these cases to be withdrawn, and then later approved an amendment (#25) that introduces more development intensity on the highway on 150 acres of land. This proposal is reported to permit 400+ units of residential, an office building and a commercial center that will wrap around the back and south side of the Waugh Chapel shopping site on Route 3. This is in addition to the expansion of the Waugh chapel shopping center already under construction. This case was not introduced and reviewed through the normal Comprehensive Zoning procedures. Instead, it was inserted into the bill by Councilman Benoit on the last possible day of bill changes, with little or no warning to interested citizen groups. Council approved the amendment, despite county zoning department's stated opposition to this change.
Please continue your calls and letters to the county council to let hem know you don't want Route 3 to turn into the new “ Ritchie Highway ” of the county!!
The county is currently going through its process of comprehensive rezoning and evaluating requests for (mostly upzonings) throughout the county. Last night, the county council discussed the proposed upzonings in Districts 1 and 4. District 4 includes most of West County , including Gambrills, Odenton, and northern parts of Crofton. Currently, there are 23 zoning change requests. Not all will be of concern, but some certainly are, and can negatively impact Route 3.
Below are links to the county resources about the upzoning being requested in District 4. We ask that you review these requests and give us feedback about any concerns. CountyCouncil/pendingLegis.cfm
will see tabs with red numbers, when you double-click one of the numbers
a window will pop-up, see the example attachment. You
can then select html link which provides some text about the case (but
still not that much) You
can also select PDF link which will show a more detailed map of the
site and zoning boundaries the county prepared for the case.
Here is a news article about the meeting, including video of Crofton First's own Madonna Brennan discussing the issues at hand, and the feel of the meeting. New studies show fly ash contamination in Gambrills is heading towards public water aquifers!
As promised to our yahoo group members, we are posting two separate reports that were done in December 2010 by both Johns Hopkins University and Tufts University on the Analysis of Fly Ash Contamination of our Regional Aquifers.
It is a lot of reading with a lot of technical information, but the conclusion gathered in the Garven report is as follows: "From the hydrogeologic model, the predicted travel time for aqueous contaminants in the unconfined Magothy aquifer to reach the underlying Upper Patapsco aquifer is approximately 15 years, since the placement of fly ash in shallow quarry pits. Contaminants will enter the Lower Patapsco aquifer in about 50 years. Assuming fly ash leachate was first generated in 1995, the groundwater velocities indicate the arrival of contaminants by about 2010 in the Upper Patapsco aquifer and by about 2045 in the Lower Patapsco aquifer."
Note: there are public water wells in the Upper Patapsco aquifer in Anne Arundel county, but not in the Crofton-area. However, most of our public water in Crofton and Gambrills does come from the Lower Patapsco aquifer.
Here are the reports:
If you are not already on our yahoo group and wish to keep in the loop, please join by clicking on the link in the upper right corner of this page, and following directions. You do not need to have a yahoo email to join.
Latest news articles about the fly ash issue:
Who's Watching the Watchers? by Fred Tutman
Baltimore Sun article 12.30.10
Letters from County Executive Leopold to MDE, and to the county's department of Inspections and Permits:
Thanks to all who came out to the May 13th meeting with MDE to discuss the mining permit and Waugh Chapel II. We are working with state legislators to get another meeting, one with a panel who can answer your questions, so stay tuned!
You can view the Capital article written about the meeting here:
Residents bemoan fly ash contamination
And if you couldn't attend, you may view videos from the meeting here:
Questionaire for residents affected by the fly ash contamination: In other news, Crofton First has obtained transcripts which state the landowner of the big box case feels Crofton "needs" a Wal-Mart!
Unfortunetly, the administrative law judge ruled in favor of MDE/1691 Big-Box case on the wetlands in December. The Crofton First board is working with the lawyer who ran the appeal to see what measures can be taken now. Fly Ash Re-disturbance issue
substantial amount of fly ash will need to be disturbed on the site
in Gambrills to make way for the Waugh Chapel South shopping center.
to MDE documents, BBSS has requested:
75,000 tons =3750 trucks!
How you can help!
SEND EMAIL TO: MDE Director Shari Wilson at
and cc the attorney generals office at
learn more about the fly ash issue in Gambrills, see Crofton First's
Tim Berkoff's slideshow presented to the GCC this month:
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